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Mon, 08/22/2022

Due to COVID-19 exposure risks, Judge Berger’s Chapter 13 dockets on August 23rd will be held telephonically.

551 285 1373 or 646 828 7666
Meeting ID: 161 495 1840
Passcode: 909296...

Tue, 07/19/2022

Due to COVID-19 exposure risks, Judge Berger’s Chapter 13 dockets on July 26th will be held telephonically. 

Please use one of these telephone numbers to join: 

551-285-1373 or 646-828-...

Thu, 07/14/2022

Due to covid exposure risks the July 20th Topeka Docket will not be in person although anyone who wants/needs to appear in person is welcome to do so. Trustee Hamilton and his assistant will appear...

Tue, 05/24/2022

Chapter 13 dockets for Judge Berger will be in person starting in June 2022.  Chapter 7/11 dockets will remain by Zoom and pretrial/status conferences will remain by telephone. See...

Tue, 05/10/2022

“You are welcome in the federal Judiciary.” That was the message that Kansas federal courts shared with high school and college students at a Law Day program on May 6 in Kansas City, Kansas. The U.S....

Mon, 03/28/2022

The Bankruptcy Court for the District of Kansas announces an opening for one actively practicing member of the bankruptcy bar to serve as a member of the Bankruptcy Bench Bar Committee for a three-year term...

Thu, 03/10/2022

On May 6, 2022, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Kansas will host a special Law Day event featuring a mock trial presented by the University of Missouri--Kansas City Mock Trial Team.  As part of...

Wed, 03/09/2022

Due to the weather forecast, the Bankruptcy Court Clerk’s Office in Kansas City, Kansas will be closed on Thursday March 10, 2022.  Staff will be working remotely, for assistance call the Clerk's office at...

Wed, 02/16/2022

Due to the weather forecast, the Bankruptcy Court Clerk’s Office in Kansas City, Kansas will be closed on Thursday February 17, 2022.  Staff will be working remotely, for assistance call the Clerk's office...

Tue, 02/01/2022

As announced on December 10, 2021, the Bankruptcy Court is adopting Local Bankruptcy Rule 3003.1, which states:

LBR 3003.1
