If you are filing without an attorney (pro se), please see the following form packets. These packets do not include all forms or cover all information that a debtor may need. Please review additional resources available on this website.
Forms in these packets are fillable PDF forms. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to use the forms. Instructions for submitting the forms are included in the form packets. Contact the Clerk's Office if you have questions.
Getting Started - Chapter 7 forms
Getting Started - Chapter 13 forms
Remember to sign the forms. You may be asked to verify your signature at the 341 meeting of creditors.
Filing Fee
Filing fees are listed in the Fee Schedule, or in the Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 packets, above.
Fees may be paid by cash, cashier's check, or money order in person at the Clerk's Office. Or a cashier's check or money order may be mailed to the Clerk's Office. Do not send cash.
Personal checks from a debtor, credit cards and debit cards are not accepted.
Where to file
Submit your documents in person, by mail, or by email* to one of the following Clerk's Offices:
*NOTE: Documents submitted for filing through the SelfRep email boxes must be formatted as a PDF. The SelfRep email boxes listed below will only be monitored Monday - Friday during normal business hours.
Robert J. Dole Courthouse
500 State Avenue, Room 161
Kansas City, KS 66101
Frank Carlson Federal Building
444 SE Quincy, Room 240
Topeka, KS 66683
Wichita U.S. Courthouse
401 N. Market, Room 167
Wichita, KS 67202
Disclaimer: Please be advised that only an attorney is qualified to give you legal advice. The Clerk’s Office cannot give legal advice or recommend an attorney for you. These packets provides certain required forms; however, additional forms may be required depending on individual circumstances. The United States Bankruptcy Code contains requirements that control how bankruptcy cases proceed. District of Kansas local bankruptcy rules also contain requirements that may help you prepare the documents required to file a bankruptcy case, including D. Kan. LBR 1007.1 and D. Kan. LBR 1007.2.