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Street Address: 

Frank Carlson Federal Building
444 SE Quincy, Rm. 240
Topeka, KS 66683

Note: The public entrance is on Quincy Street (Map)

Parking: Parking is available at Townsite Parking Garage, located approximately ½ block east of Kansas Ave on 5th Street (just before the road curves and becomes Quincy).  Fees are $1/hour. At times the garage can fill quickly so please allow enough time to locate a parking space and for the short walk to the building. Do not park in any reserved spaces or in prohibited areas.

Division Manager: Beth Cromwell
Clerk's Office 785-338-5910
9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Monday - Friday excluding Federal Holidays 
Multi-Court Voice Case Information System (McVCIS) 24 hr. access 866-222-8029