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How to Order Transcripts

Transcript Request

To obtain an official transcript, complete form AO 435.  This form may be electronically filed in the case or mailed or hand delivered to the Clerk’s Office to the location below where the hearing was held.

Audio File or CD Request

To obtain an audio file or CD recording of a hearing, complete form AO 436.  If you have electronic filing access in Kansas Bankruptcy CM/ECF, you may electronically file this form in the case.  Or, you may mail or hand-deliver the form and the payment to the Clerk’s Office to the location below where the hearing was held.  Please note that if you request an audio file and the file is too large to be emailed, a CD can be provided instead. 

 NOTE:  The First Meeting of Creditors (341 Meeting) is a meeting administered by the United States Trustee's office. 

To obtain an audio recording of a First Meeting of Creditors, please contact the United States Trustee's office at (316) 269-6637.


Clerk’s Office
US Bankruptcy Court
500 State Ave Room 161
Kansas City KS 66101
(913) 735-2110

Clerk’s Office
US Bankruptcy Court
444 SE Quincy Room 240
Topeka KS 66683
(785) 338-5910

Clerk’s Office
US Bankruptcy Court
401 N Market Room 167
Wichita KS 67202
(316) 315-4110


Transcription Service Providers

Professional transcription service providers, including firms or individuals who are certified by the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers (AAERT) or other transcription or court reporter certification, may request to be added to the Court’s local list of qualified transcribers for use of its services. The transcription service provider should submit a letter of interest, along with the certification or other professional credential to the following address: 
US Bankruptcy Court
401 N. Market St., Rm. 167
Wichita, KS 67202