Kansas Bankruptcy Court moved to NextGen on June 1, 2020.
NextGen requires each electronic filer to have his/her own individual PACER account.
If you do not have an individual PACER account, you must create one before the court moves to NextGen. A firmwide or shared PACER account cannot be used by electronic filers once the court has moved to NextGen.
Firms may establish a PACER Administrative Account (PAA) to help manage individual attorney accounts and to have PACER access fees billed to a central firm account.
If you do have an individual PACER account, you must make sure that account is an upgraded PACER account.
Prepare now:
1. Register for your own individual PACER account
Upgrade your individual PACER account
2. Know your current login and password for
Kansas Bankruptcy Court's CM/ECF system
Email ksbregister@ksb.uscourts.gov to request your login and password
Your individual PACER account
Contact PACER
After the court moves to NextGen:
Link your current CM/ECF account to your PACER account.
Go to https://ecf.ksb.uscourts.gov
1. Login with your individual upgraded PACER account
2. Click on Utilities
3. Click on Link a CM/ECF account to my PACER account
4. Enter your CM/ECF login and password
5. Verify that the CM/ECF and PACER information displayed is correct
6. Click Submit
Your accounts are now linked. You will use your PACER account login and password going forward for filing in Kansas Bankruptcy Court at https://ecf.ksb.uscourts.gov.
Electronic filers will not be able to e-file until their CM/ECF account is linked to their upgraded individual PACER account. Linkage cannot take place until after the court moves to NextGen.
Review NextGen CM/ECF FAQs for more information.