A draft Chapter 13 Plan Form is now available for public comment. Please provide comments by July 31, 2017 to David Zimmerman.
(Deadline July 31, 2017)
Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 3015, which will become effective December 1, 2017, requires the use of an official chapter 13 plan form unless a district instead adopts a local plan that meets the requirements of FRBP 3015.1. The Judges of this Court appointed a subcommittee to the Bench and Bar Committee to study our District’s existing Chapter 13 Plan and to make recommendations how it should be revised to meet the requirements of the new rules. As a result of that subcommittee’s work, and input received from the Bench Bar Committee, the Judges have now preliminarily approved a revised Chapter 13 Plan.
Before adopting that new Plan, the Judges of this Court invite public comment. The Judges specifically request that any comment you make be detailed, indicating not only what specific provision is the subject of your comment, but also providing proposed substitute language as well as the basis for your suggestion why the language should be revised. All comments should be in writing and submitted in letter form, addressed as follows and received by the Clerk by July 31, 2017.
David Zimmerman, Clerk
Comments Regarding 13 Plan Form
United States Courthouse
401 N. Market, Room 167
Wichita, Kansas 67202
See the Notice of Opportunity to Submit Comments Regarding Chapter 13 Plan Form.
See the Proposed Chapter 13 Plan Form for District of Kansas.
Friday, June 30, 2017