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Third-Party Services and Access in CM/ECF

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Attorney filers and other case participant filers are cautioned about inadvertently sharing restricted documents when using third-party services or software (e.g., PacerPro, DocketBird, RECAP, etc.) to collect and organize case filings. 
Sharing your PACER account credentials with a third-party service provider or designating that provider as a secondary recipient of a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) will give it access to sealed or restricted case information and documents,
which could be sold or republished in violation of a court order. 

  • Be cautious using third-party services and software.
  • Be cautious in your computer security practices to ensure that sealed or restricted documents to which you have access are not disclosed.
  • Do not use third-party services or software that directly link to filers' PACER accounts.
  • Be mindful of whom you list as secondary NEF recipients and ensure that third-party services cannot access restricted information or sealed documents.